Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Value drop

The sister would be shouting " Dr Gill is going to do a lumbar tap " We , the first year students will be scurrying around him to watch the procedure. More importantly , to observe the nurse preparing the instruments for the procedure, her position when assisting the renowned doc, and how the patient was positioned, and finally the clearing up . Informing the patient and reassuring the patient all throughout the prodeure was the domain of the assistant too.

30 years down the line , you see the present generation of students . You start to fear when you get to be the patient. Values have changed ,and so , attitudes. When you call them to observe a procedure they have not seen , they can answer , " Not time yet. When we have to do it , we will see. "

" We get paid so little and have to do so much ", is a favourite cliche among the new crop. But when one does a comparison to a contemporary peer, they are actually better off , in so many ways. Monetary or otherwise.

I lament how this situation has come about. Have the general values of society dropped or was that the fault of the trainers ? I tend to think the answer lies with the training - process or trainers themselves.


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